Gay News

Stephen Fry and Sandi Toksvig urge Labour to recognise humanist weddings if elected

Stephen Fry and Sandi Toksvig have called on the Labour Party to grant legal recognition of humanist weddings in England and Wales if they win the upcoming general election.  The TV stars, both patrons of Humanists UK, made similar demands to the governme

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 23, 2024

Drag Race UK queen says her elimination was ‘personal’: ‘I was really shocked’

The seventh queen to depart from season two of Drag Race UK vs the World has claimed that the decision to eliminate her was “personal” – and that she tried to get the top two queens to “pull a Pangina” and send her rival home. Warn

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 23, 2024

Democrats victorious as new federal budget excludes GOP’s anti-LGBTQ+ wish list

Republicans tried to insert over 40 anti-LGBTQ+ provisions — all but one failed.

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QAnon GOP candidate angrily refuses to explain why she called for Barack Obama’s execution

The bonkers candidate won the primary for a powerful position, but questions about her violent past statements set her off.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 23, 2024