Gay News

Black trans woman sues apartment complex for discriminating against her family

“She took my womanhood and crushed it by calling me sir.” #LGBTQ #url#

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 19, 2022

Lakota two-spirit person killed in South Dakota

Acey Morrison's murder was reported early Sunday morning, August 21, by the owner of the mobile home she occupied in the Country Village Estates RV park.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 19, 2022

German soccer fans rally for slain transgender hate crime victim

The Bremen team superfans unfurled massive banners at the 60-minute match reading “Queerphobia kills!” and “Against all transphobia!”

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 19, 2022

Joe Lycett gleefully responds to right-wing frenzy over his Liz Truss takedown

Joe Lycett is revelling in the right-wing press upset he sparked with a satirical take on Laura Kuenssberg’s interview with Liz Truss. The famously left-wing comedian provoked a huge response on Sunday (4 September) after mocking Liz Truss on the BB

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 6, 2022