Gay News

Trans man speaks out against famous anti-trans mother

She sent her son to evangelical conversion therapy to make him suppress his identity. Now he's grown up and speaking for himself.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 7, 2023

Houston sues Texas for law that could ban cities from passing LGBTQ+ rights ordinances

Critics are calling it the "Death Star" law.

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Mondaire Jones is running for Congress again. Will he win his old district back?

He was pushed out of his district by another gay Democrat in 2022, who then lost. Can he get turn his old district blue again?

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Christian bakers’ case sent back to lower court in light of anti-LGBTQ+ Supreme Court ruling

Anti-gay bakers who refused a lesbian couple in 2013 while saying homosexuality is an abomination might get their fine overturned.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 7, 2023