Gay News

Gay priest and partner make Church in Wales history with ‘rejoiceful’ same-sex blessing

A priest and his partner have become the first same-sex couple to receive a Church in Wales blessing. Father Lee Taylor, 44, and his partner Fabiano Da Silva Duarte, 45, received a blessing from the Church in Wales on Saturday (13 November). Father Lee sa

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

Kim Petras ‘came, pegged and conquered’ MTV awards with horny, history-making performance

German pop icon Kim Petras made history on Sunday (14 November), as she became the first out trans musician to ever perform at the MTV Europe Music Awards (EMAs). Petras performed two brand new songs from her upcoming debut album – “Coconuts”,

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Film project celebrating trans lives deleted from YouTube without warning after 10 years

The YouTube channel of My Genderation, an independent trans film project, was deleted without warning on the first day of Transgender Awareness Week (13 November). “Someone stole the My Genderation YouTube channel and now it’s been deleted,

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

BBC boss tells LGBT+ staff ‘get used to views you don’t like’ amid transphobia row

The BBC’s director of news is facing criticism after she reportedly told LGBT+ staff they will have to “get used to hearing views you don’t like”. Fran Unsworth made her comments in an internal meeting with staff from the broadcast

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021