Gay News

Dating an asexual person 101: How to ace it

ShutterstockRelationships are no longer categorized into just heterosexual or homosexual – now, we have a spectrum of connections.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022

Madame came to the Antiques Roadshow & she was just as popular as ever

ScreenshotVoiced by gay puppeteer Wayland Flowers until his death in 1988, the raunchy entertainer still had fans lining up to introduce a puppet.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022

Teacher fired after she made toddlers wear blackface masks for Black History Month

Screenshot"This is unacceptable and don't really understand the concept of this project," one mother said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022

“Radical freedom is reclaiming rest” says activist Elle Moxley

Irvin Rivera"We are going to give our community permission to focus on their mind, body and spirit."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 22, 2022