Gay News

Star Trek icon George Takei describes ‘guilt and torture’ of being closeted

Star Trek star George Takei has opened up about the “torture” of hiding his sexuality in the face of his parents’ strength fighting injustice. Takei, who played lieutenant Hikaru Sulu on the original series, recalled the terror of his family being s

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 23, 2022

Government has no plans to block trans people from single-sex spaces, says equalities minister

Trans people’s access to single-sex spaces will remain enshrined in the Equality Act, Tory MP Mike Freer has said. The equalities minister also addressed the spousal veto – legislation which forces married trans people to get their spouse’s co

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 23, 2022

TikTok is obsessed with vegan skincare brand LoveMeMeMe – and the products are less than £20

LoveMeMeMe is the latest skincare brand that’s TikTok-approved. The affordable brand offers skincare staples that range from moisturisers to body butter and face masks to lip balm. The cruelty-free, vegan products feature CBD-infused formulas, with

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 23, 2022

Chechnya jails queer siblings on ‘fabricated’ charges after years of persecution and torture

A court in Chechnya has sentenced a pair of LGBT+ siblings to almost a decade’s detainment on seemingly bogus charges. On Tuesday (22 February), the Achkhoy-Martan district court of the southern Russian republic convicted siblings Salekh Magamadov,

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 23, 2022