Gay News

Parents pull their trans son out of school & sue because the staff used he/him pronouns

ShutterstockThe parents say that they have a constitutional right to force the school to use incorrect pronouns for their child.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021

Trump supporter slaps phone out of woman’s hand at airport. It didn’t end well for her.

Screenshot"Do you have permission to record me?" the Trump supporter screamed until she found out that she doesn't "have permission to smack people."

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021

JoJo Siwa gets perfect score for Dancing With the Stars performance of Pride anthem

ScreenshotsThe show's first same-sex pairing made this season of "Dancing With the Stars" the best ever... and this episode got even gayer.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021

Airport passenger trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene at luggage carousel

Eva Baker/TikTok"I just love voting in Georgia for Democrats. That way we don't have to get the nasty COVID spread to us."

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021