Gay News

This Republican Senate candidate says he’s running to vanquish witchcraft

Navy veteran Hung Cao, who is aiming to unseat Virginia Democrat Tim Kaine, wants to stop witches from taking over the state.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 12, 2023

Right-wing congressman eviscerates Marjorie Taylor Greene for her obsession with impeaching Biden

Rep. Ken Buck called Greene's opinions "absurd."

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 12, 2023

Lil Nas X documentary premiere delayed by bomb threat

One source said the threat targeted the rapper because he is a Black queer artist.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 12, 2023

What sleeping on a beach with fairy penguins taught me about embracing my true self

Watching those penguins made me realize I was stronger than I thought.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 12, 2023