Gay News

Marjorie Taylor Greene faces ethic complaint after allegedly kicking teenager

Far-right Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene is facing a formal complaint by an activist group after she allegedly kicked a teenager. Voters of Tomorrow made the announcement on Monday (3 October) that it would be filing a complaint against the Georgia pol

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 5, 2022

Republican candidate repeats debunked claims about school children self-identifying as animals

A school district has had to reject bizarre claims from a Republican candidate that students are identifying as “furries” in schools across Colorado. Heidi Ganahl, the Republican candidate for governor of Colorado, alleged during an interview

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Students staged a walkout to protest Arizona’s new anti-LGBTQ laws

“These bills are killing us.”

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Caitlin Jenner says the “radical left” has “hijacked & politicized” trans people by supporting them

Despite being trans and a former athlete, Caitlin Jenner has repeatedly spoken out against trans girls participating in sports.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 5, 2022