Gay News

Republican senator Lindsey Graham thinks states should decide on same-sex marriage

US Republican senator Lindsey Graham has said states should decide if same-sex marriage is legal. Amid discussions over legislation that would implement legal protections for same-sex married couples, Graham said he had been consistent in his view that &#

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 9, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene prays with gay Trump supporter that was crying inside a fake jail cell

Authorities say Brandon Straka snitched on his fellow J6 rioters to get a lighter sentence, but at CPAC he was crying in a fake jail cell, pretending to be one of them.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 9, 2022

Kyrsten Sinema finally helps pass major legislation, but still tries to sink it at the last minute

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema finally supported the huge climate change and health care measure, but almost derailed it at the last minute.

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Marco Rubio goes on bizarre rant about pregnant men on Senate floor

He said marriage equality is a "stupid waste of time" several weeks before coming up with his own.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 9, 2022