Gay News

Trans Pride flag planted on Antarctica’s highest peak to celebrate community’s ‘resilience’

The trans Pride flag has been planted on the peak of Antarctica’s highest mountain, Vinson Massif, by trans climber Erin Parisi. Dedicating her achievement to “the resilience of the trans community” that “took me in when I had no h

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 4, 2022

Lil Nas X condemns music industry for ‘sanitising’ treatment of LGBT+ artists

Lil Nas X has fired a warning shot to the music industry for the restrictions it places on LGBT+ musicians during an interview with CBS on Sunday (2 January). “It’s always been, ‘OK, if you’re gay, this needs to be sanitised. Let’s not include anything se

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 4, 2022

Uncle Murda says Lil Nas X will ‘catch AIDS and die’ in disgusting new song Rap Up 2021

Rapper Uncle Murda disgustingly predicted that beloved gay icon Lil Nas X will “catch AIDS and die” in new song “Rap Up 2021”. The Brooklyn rapper released the 14-minute song that attacks celebrities, rappers and public figures on Saturday (1 January). Mu

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 4, 2022

Lithuania will finally allow trans people to change name without surgery

Trans people in Lithuania will finally be allowed to change their legal name without undergoing gender-reassignment surgery. Justice minister Evelina Dobrovolska signed the order permitting legal name changes on 31 December. However, trans people who wish

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 4, 2022