Gay News

Marjorie Taylor Greene shocks Lesley Stahl by saying Joe Biden supports pedophilia

"They are not pedophiles!" Stahl said to Greene's face. "Why would you say that?"

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 3, 2023

Federal judge shuts down Tennessee’s anti-drag bill: “It missed the mark”

The Trump judge wrote a scathing critique of the bill, which he said was "vague and over-broad."

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 3, 2023

Reba McEntire slams Tennessee’s anti-drag ban: “God bless ’em to wear those high heels”

Kids need protection from poverty, not drag queens, she said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 3, 2023

Library board stands up to transphobes & keeps LGBTQ+ books on the shelves

The contentious meeting resulted in one person being kicked out after he challenged someone else to a fight.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 2, 2023