Gay News

Amazon last minute Christmas deals UK: When is the last date you can order in time for Christmas?

If you’ve left your hunt for last minute Christmas deals to the last minute, then you might want to know the final date you can order from Amazon. The online retailer is reliable for next-day delivery, so there’s still time to get some present

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 21, 2021

Majority of Poland backs same-sex marriage and LGBT+ families, research suggests

A majority of people in Poland support same-sex marriage and LGBT+ families, new research suggests. The survey results came as ILGA-Europe’s 2021 report declared LGBT+ rights in Poland to be the worst among EU countries.  The research was carried out by M

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 21, 2021

Straight people often more sexually fluid than they think, study suggests

A study has found that straight people’s perceptions of their own sexualities can become more fluid when they are exposed to different theories of sexuality. The study, published in Scientific Reports, was initially conducted on 180 university students, a

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 21, 2021

Proudly gay pastor preaches in drag to the delight of churchgoers: ‘The most inspiring service’

A newly-ordained gay pastor says preaching in drag is “a theological reflection on joy”. St Luke’s Lutheran Church in Chicago proudly shared photos of pastor Aaron Musser preaching to a group of children while wearing a blonde wig, white dress

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 21, 2021