Gay News

Jon Gruden sues NFL for “Soviet-style character assassination” by sharing his real homophobic emails

Louis Briscese via WikipediaFormer Coach Jon Gruden resigned in shame after his hateful emails were made public. Now he's suing the NFL for allegedly making them public.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

Anti-LGBTQ group offers $500 bounty to turn in “divisive” teachers

ShutterstockMoms for Liberty previously protested a school because two girls kissed in public during Homecoming. Now they want to end teachers' careers if they're "divisive."

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

People wipe feet on Pride flag at white nationalist group’s festival booth

ScreenshotThe group threw a Pride flag on the ground and invited people to trample on it as a sign of disrespect.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021

Am I nonbinary? A guide to what it means to identify outside the gender binary

ShutterstockDo you ever feel like you don’t strictly identify with either “male” or “female”? You might fall outside of the gender binary. Learn more about what it means to be non-binary here!

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2021