Gay News

Thousands unite for joint Polish and Ukrainian LGBTQ+ Pride parade in Warsaw

In a stunning show of solidarity, Poland’s Warsaw Pride and Ukraine’s KyivPride united for a single, joyous Pride parade in Warsaw. On Saturday (25 June), thousands of glittery protesters flooded the streets of Poland’s capital for the E

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 26, 2022

A religious kook rushed the stage to scream at a drag queen. He didn’t get the response he expected.

A group of teenagers swooped in to save the day, leaving the queen to declare, "He had a megaphone, but I had a family."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 26, 2022

Can we please stop with all the nomad hate?

Michael JensenWhat if I told you there was a brewing movement where Americans and Western Europeans are starting to adopt an extremely minimalistic lifestyle, eschewing personal possessions and dramatically reducing their carbon footprint?

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 26, 2022

What we need this Pride Month is equal access to the ballot

ShutterstockEvery American who wants to vote needs to be able to do so.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 26, 2022