Gay News

Am I polyamorous? How to know if polyamory is right for you

Shutterstock81% of people have fantasized about giving polyamory a shot, but few actually go through with it. Are you wondering if you’re polyamorous yourself? Find out with this quiz!

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 31, 2022

AOC calls for impeachment of far-right Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Phil Pasquini /"Congress must understand that a failure to hold Clarence Thomas accountable sends a loud, dangerous signal to the full Court."

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 31, 2022

Chris Rock isn’t the only comedian assaulted on stage in the past week. The other man is gay.

ScreenshotWhile the world chattered nonstop about Will Smith smacking Chris Rock, no one seemed to notice when comedian Sampson McCormick was attacked. Maybe it's because the gay bashed back. And then he finished his set.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 31, 2022

14 other states are considering laws similar to Florida’s “Don’t say gay” bill this year

ShutterstockThe bills would make it harder - or even ban - presenting books in class that talk about LGBTQ people.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 31, 2022