Gay News

Lauren Boebert viciously attacked Rachel Levine for something Boebert didn’t even understand

The senior Biden administration health official visited an LGBTQ+ clinic, which enraged Boebert.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 19, 2023

Catholic preschools sue to get state money while banning kids of same-sex couples

To get Colorado state funding for preschool, they can't discriminate. They say denying them funding violates their religious freedom.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 19, 2023

Good Morning America threw an on-air lesbian bachelorette party

The beach party included a tear-inducing gift, a musical performance, and a gay man popping out of a cake.

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State Rep. Gary Click is leading the charge against trans rights in Ohio & we all need to fight back

If he isn’t opposed, he’ll continue emboldening far-right actors, hate groups, and anti-trans politicians nationwide.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 19, 2023