Gay News

The ever charming & beloved Betty White has died at 99

ShutterstockWhen her husband passed away, White was quoted as saying that she'd never remarry because "Once you've had the best, who needs the rest?" In White, we too, had the best.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 1, 2022

5 queer New Year’s resolutions to make your 2022 merry & bright

ShutterstockThese five ideas will help you make next year a little more queer-centric... and could even benefit others in the process.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 1, 2022

Member of neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League ‘screamed homophobic slurs while assaulting neighbour’

A supporter of an antisemitic, racist, anti-LGBT+ neo-Nazi group has been charged with the homophobic assault of his neighbour in California. Robert Wilson, 40, from San Diego, California, is a supporter of the neo-Nazi group Goyim Defense League. The gro

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 31, 2021

10 gripping LGBT+ TV shows that filled 2021 with queer joy, laughter and heartbreak

To say it’s been a mammoth year for queer representation on television feels like an understatement. Over the last 12 months, TV has helped queer people all across the world feel seen. It’s given society a glimpse into LGBT+ subcultures, and i

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 31, 2021