Gay News

Trans woman shot to death in parking lot by cold shooter who then steals her car

ShutterstockTennessee was the leader among several states to enact anti-trans legislation this year. Now trans people are being murdered and misgendered there.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 29, 2021

Andrew Yang defends Dave Chappelle as the victim of “hit job” after he mocked teenagers

Gage SkidmoreChappelle was one of Yang's first celebrity endorsements as a presidential candidate. Now Yang's one of the "allies" standing by Chappelle.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 29, 2021

Convicted insurrectionist is asking for money so he can “refund the police”

YouTube screen captureBrandon Straka's fundraiser for $100K isn't supporting Capitol Police Officers, who are suing him for helping the insurrection, but several other, unnamed police departments.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 29, 2021

Barbra Streisand and George Takei lead tributes to incomparable musical theatre legend Stephen Sondheim

Tributes have poured in from theatre, film and TV stars for musical theatre icon Stephen Sondheim, who has died aged 91. His death was announced by his lawyer and friend, F Richard Pappas. Pappas told the New York Times that Sondheim suddenly passed away

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 28, 2021