Gay News

Drag Race’s Jinkx Monsoon finally explains iconic but baffling All Stars joke

Jinkx Monsoon has finally cleared up why she jokingly called RuPaul “broom” in her iconic All Stars 7 Snatch Game performance. Jinkx left fans gagged after her amazing embodiment of the Wizard of Oz star and gay icon Judy Garland in All Stars 7’s Snatch G

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 26, 2022

Mondaire Jones, one of the first Black & gay members of Congress, loses primary

"The result in Mondaire’s race is deeply sad for the LGBTQ community," one LGBTQ advocate said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 26, 2022

Now Christians are targeting women who wear pants

This preacher exhorts men to toss their wives' pants in a fire because that's crossdressing.

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Rightwing journalist uses Nazi book-burning picture while calling LGBTQ books “filth”

The OAN reporter complained that the left wants to ban books while saying it's the right's "duty... to purge our schools of such filth."

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 26, 2022