Gay News

Trans girl pretended to have broken arm to avoid telling friends why she had to use nurse’s bathroom

ShutterstockThe girls' supportive dad is speaking out: "It’s just another way of making a small handful of kids different."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 19, 2022

Rightwing pundit torn apart for saying teachers shouldn’t tell kids that same-sex marriage is real

Shutterstock"What is the appropriate age for a child to learn that gay people exist and can get married?"

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 19, 2022

Anti-trans GOP governor is “sad” LGBTQ people are struggling but can’t figure out why

ShutterstockGov. Kristi Noem literally wrote the law banning trans kids from sports in her state.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 19, 2022

Skater Timothy LeDuc just became the first non-binary athlete to compete in the Winter Olympics

Screenshot, NBCTimothy LeDuc and their partner gained a score of 74.13, which was enough to earn them a spot in the free skate on Saturday.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 19, 2022