Gay News

If politicians want a brighter future for young queer people there’s an obvious solution

Just as flowers do not choose where they bloom, LGBTQ young people deserve the right to thrive everywhere we exist.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 12, 2022

Russian leaders want to expand its “gay propaganda” ban to include adults

ShutterstockThe law bans gay propaganda to minors. Now a Russian lawmaker wants to ban pro-LGBTQ speech directed at people of any age.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 12, 2022

Queer state lawmaker won’t apologize for “having enough cake to twerk”

"Since the twerking video came out there have been a subset of racist misogynistic people who have called me anything and everything from the n word to fat to gorilla."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 12, 2022

Two gay men were beaten while attackers shouted slurs. But they’re not going to be silent.

Screenshot"We are here and we're not going nowhere," Harmony Vuitton said. "I don't want nobody to hear this to be afraid."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 12, 2022