Gay News

7 times Megan Rapinoe won more than a soccer game during her long career

Megan Rapinoe is retiring from soccer. But she's always been a champion of LGBTQ+ and women's rights.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2023

Trans fiancees Zooey Zephyr & Erin Reed discuss their love amid anti-LGBTQ hate

"We'd spend every night falling asleep with one another on video calls and wake up next to one another and say 'Good morning.'"

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2023

Mississippi’s new book-banning law denies minors access to e-books & audiobooks

The law forbids anyone under 18 from reading a book that mentions pooping, nudity, or LGBTQ+ issues.

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DeSantis PAC’s new ad attacks Trump for allowing trans woman to compete in beauty pageant

The DeSantis supporters are mad that Trump "let biological men compete against women" in a beauty pageant.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 11, 2023