Gay News

Dad accidentally sends gay porn video of himself to his daughter: ‘It was deeply disturbing’

A woman was shocked, to say the least, after her father sent her a gay porn video of himself having sex with another man. Taking to Reddit, the woman explained that she came to realise her 59-year-old dad was gay after he accidentally texted her a video o

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022

Murderers of beloved bisexual doctor laughed and joked as they were found guilty

The two men convicted of murdering Dr Gary Jenkins were seen laughing and joking as they were found guilty of the gruesome homophobic attack. Lee Strickland, 36, Jason Edwards, 25, and Dionne Timms-Williams, 17, were found guilty by a jury at Merthyr Crow

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022

Cruel lawmakers pass yet another ‘hateful’ bill banning innocent trans kids from playing sport

Republican senators have passed a “hateful” bill that would ban trans youth in Arizona from playing on sports teams that align with their gender identity. Senate Bill 1165 (SB 1165) would restrict trans girls and women from being able to participate on sp

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022

Staff quit UK’s so-called equalities watchdog en masse over descent into ‘transphobia’

An exodus of employees of Britain’s so-called equalities watchdog has deepened the accusations of transphobia swallowing the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The EHRC allegedly “promotes and upholds equality” across England,

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 5, 2022