Gay News

Jim Obergefell won marriage equality for all Americans. Now he’s running for office.

Screenshot, YouTubeObergefell learned many lessons from his years of activism and Supreme Court case that he believes will serve him well at the statehouse.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022

Jen Psaki laughs off Fox reporter’s bizarre question about conspiracy theory

Official White House Photo by Erin ScottThe Fox reporter called the timing of a power outage at the White House "suspect." Jen Psaki didn't give that conspiracy the time of day.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022

Which states would end marriage equality if the Supreme Court gives them the chance?

ShutterstockIt's still just a conservative dream, but as the justices get closer to overturning Roe v. Wade, marriage equality is the next big target.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 17, 2022

NHS gender clinic quietly changes discharge policy ‘putting most vulnerable patients at risk’

A policy of discharging patients for missing, in some cases, just one appointment at London’s only NHS Gender Identity Clinic is putting the most vulnerable at risk, a whistleblower has said. The adult Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) in North London, u

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 16, 2022