Gay News

Man pleads guilty to kidnapping gay teen he met on Grindr in gruesome murder plot

Chance Seneca pleaded guilty to kidnapping a gay teen he met through Grinder with the intention of murdering him and dismembering his body.  Seneca, 21 of Lafayette, Louisiana, pleaded guilty to one count of kidnapping related to the June 2020 incident, t

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 2, 2022

Hairspray star Nikki Blonsky announces she’s engaged: ‘I’m honoured to feel unconditional love’

Hairspray star Nikki Blonsky took to social media to share the joyful news that she’s engaged, saying the “greatest blessing in life is real love”.  Blonsky, who is best known for her breakthrough role as Tracy Turnblad in the 2007 film adaptation of icon

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 2, 2022

California becomes first state to offer legal refuge for trans youth and families

California governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill making the state a refuge for trans youth and their families from bans against gender-affirming care elsewhere in the US.  Senate Bill 107, which will go into effect on 1 January 2023, will safeguard

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 2, 2022

Queer lawmaker comes out as non-monogamous and introduces world to their ‘wonderful’ life partners

A queer politician from Georgia has proudly come out as non-monogamous as they introduced the world to their “wonderful” life partners. Atlanta city council member Liliana Bakhtiari, who is the first queer Muslim to hold an elected office in Georgia, anno

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 2, 2022