Gay News

Marjorie Taylor Greene spreads “Christian persecution” lie about marriage equality bill

"Not even 8AM and the lying has started," one person told Greene.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 18, 2022

Actress Julia Fox says she has a “gay bone” & wants to explore dating women

The "Uncut Gems" actress, who dated Kanye West earlier this year, declared all men are terrible and called penises "weapons of mass destruction."

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GOP lawmaker wants to designate any theater with a trans actor a “sexually oriented business”

"No child should be subjected to these types of businesses," he said about his bill that would require anti-trans job discrimination.

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Texas Republican wants state to set up book-rating system for school libraries

Books would have a rating on their covers in what free speech activists call "a dangerous escalation in the movement to censor public education.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 18, 2022