Gay News

Trans surfer speaks out as competitors argue she shouldn’t compete while rules changes back her up

“There are so many things that make someone a good athlete, and to reduce it to testosterone is also an insult to athletes who work really hard."

logo.png  By LGBT  May 9, 2023

TikTok secretly tracked which users viewed LGBTQ+ videos

Former employees said the data was loosely protected, risking it falling into the wrong hands.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 9, 2023

High school musicals are being canceled over LGBTQ+ themes

"Don't Say Gay" laws and drag bans are threatening high school theater programs across the country.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 9, 2023

Churches targeted by hateful fliers fight back with rainbow-colored messages of love

A mayor at the 300-person vigil said that the community must unite against people who dehumanize and spread fear about others.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 8, 2023