Gay News

Conversion therapy bishop formally stripped of powers after marrying Satanic porn writer

A bishop who was known for performing exorcisms and conversion therapy has been formally stripped of his powers after marrying a Satanic porn writer. Xavier Novell, 52, the former Bishop of Solsona, Spain, made headlines around the world when he resigned

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 15, 2021

Six-year-old scared to leave the house after homophobic neighbour tells him he’ll ‘die of AIDS’

A six-year-old has been left too scared to leave the house after his homophobic neighbour shouted that will “die of AIDS“. In Ely, a cathedral city in Cambridgeshire, England, a father was left fearing for his child’s life when his neigh

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 15, 2021

UK’s highest court rejects appeal for gender-neutral passports after activist’s ‘long, hard’ fight

The Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal for ‘X’ gender markers to be made available to British passports holders. Brought by non-gendered activist Christie Elan-Cane, the case became the first-ever trans civil rights case to be heard by the

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 15, 2021

Billie Eilish says watching ‘abusive’ porn as a child ‘really destroyed my brain’

Billie Eilish has opened up about watching porn for the first time when she was just 11, claiming that the “abusive” content led her to suffer from nightmares. The 19-year-old singer got candid about the impact viewing extreme porn had on her

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 15, 2021