Gay News

Gay man beaten to death by men who thought he was hitting on them

ShutterstockTimmy Hourihane drowned in his own blood after two men allegedly beat him so badly that his bones were exposed because "he's only a faggot."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 15, 2022

Trolls came for Ellen this weekend & this time people are rallying behind her

EllenTube screenshot"Seriously, can we leave Ellen alone for just one second? At this point, she’s suffered enough."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 15, 2022

China censors LGBT+ plotline from Friends

Chinese streaming services have censored multiple episodes of Friends for featuring LGBT+ characters and plotlines, including Ross’ ex-wife Carol. Several major Chinese streaming platforms – including Tencent, Bilibili, Youku and iQiyi – began showing the

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 14, 2022

13 incredible Cabaret facts as the game-changing Liza Minnelli film turns 50

When Liza Minnelli got up on stage at the 1973 Academy Awards to accept the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in Cabaret, the first thing she did was laugh.  Her reaction wasn’t all that surprising – winning Hollywood’s highest accolade at the age of 27

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 14, 2022