Gay News

Trans icon Gavin Grimm is at risk of homelessness. His community is rallying to help.

ShutterstockGrimm's epilepsy has left him unable to work, and he is struggling to afford basic living expenses.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 30, 2021

Anti-trans author is petitioning to have two teachers fired for supporting LGBTQ students.

Jon Gilbert Leavitt on FlickrBigoted author Abigail Shrier has falsely accused two California teachers of "recruiting" students to a school's gay-straight alliance, imperiling their livelihoods and safety.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 30, 2021

Trans woman dies from injuries after trying to break up a fight at a nightclub

Screenshot, WishTVKe'Yahonna Stone was known for providing safe spaces for trans people inside her own home. The LGBTQ community is now grieving her passing.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 30, 2021

Sodomy laws are still being used to persecute queer people

ShutterstockA man is still forced to register as a sex offender due to a 2001 sodomy charge, even though SCOTUS overturned such laws in 2003.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 30, 2021