Gay News

Dad shares adorable video of son getting a mani-pedi after teacher told him it was “only for girls”

“I really just wanted to make sure that he didn’t have guilt or shame, because it is something that he enjoyed."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 10, 2023

Charles Silverstein, who toppled gay ‘sexual deviant’ label, has died at 87

He argued men weren't ashamed because they were gay, but because of what their therapists were telling them.

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Employers openly biased against nonbinary job applicant in resume study

“Several hiring managers revealed blatant biases and even bigotry against nonbinary job seekers,” researchers found.

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AOC rips into GOP for inciting violence against trans people

"This is the party that cannot pick on anyone their own size."

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 10, 2023