Gay News

Dr. Anthony Fauci laughs off Ted Cruz’s threats with epic putdown

Screenshot"I'm just gonna do my job," Anthony Fauci said. "I'm gonna be saving lives. And they're gonna be lying."

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021

Fox News suggests Omicron COVID variant was created to make Pete Buttigieg president

Despite travel bans, the stock market crashing, and cases worldwide except in the United States so far, Fox thinks Democrats are behind it all.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021

Google launches online LGBTQ glossary but forgets to include “bisexual”

Shutterstock"Demisexual" and anti-LGBTQ slurs are included, but two very common words to describe LGBTQ people are missing.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021

Lauren Boebert & Ilhan Omar’s make-nice conversation didn’t go well

Shutterstock/Gage SkidmoreBoebert's apology ended with Omar hanging up on her. The GOP Congresswoman followed up by accusing Omar of being a terrorist again.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 30, 2021