Gay News

Roe v Wade is dead. Ending marriage equality & bringing back sodomy laws are next.

ShutterstockIn an open invitation to right-wing lawyers looking for their next target, Clarence Thomas says it's time to correct "the errors" that resulted in marriage equality and the end of sodomy laws.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 25, 2022

5 quick tips for attending your first Pride

ShutterstockIf you’re feeling nervous about Pride, perhaps if you’ve just come out or haven’t been to Pride yet due to the pandemic, we’ve got some tips to see you through.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 25, 2022

NY library reverses decision to ban LGBTQ children’s books after outcry

After the Governor weighed in and condemned the move, the board quickly held an emergency meeting to overturn their decision.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 25, 2022

Gay Republicans whine that GOP doesn’t accept them even though they oppose LGBTQ rights too

ABC News, ScreenshotThey hate transgender civil rights just as much as the Party does. So why can't they play in the sandbox too?

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 25, 2022