Gay News

Spirit of Section 28 lives on in chilling anti-trans speech by attorney general Suella Braverman

Attorney general Suella Braverman said schools should not be teaching kids “keywords” about the LGBTQ+ community or affirm trans identities.  Braverman claimed in a speech before the Policy Exchange thinktank on Wednesday (10 August) that scho

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 12, 2022

Irish rugby union bans trans women from contact rugby in ‘dangerous’ precedent

The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) has said transgender women can no longer play contact rugby on women’s teams. Just weeks after England’s Rugby Football Union (RFU) voted to restrict trans women from playing, IRFU stated that it was actin

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 12, 2022

Thor director Taika Watiti under fire after historic ‘transphobic’ tweets resurface

Taika Waititi has come under fire over historic anti-trans tweets criticising trans women’s looks and deadnaming Caitlyn Jenner. Waititi’s name began trending on Twitter following reports he and Rita Ora had married – but congratulations soon

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 12, 2022

Fargo’s Ethan Coen announces lesbian road trip comedy as first solo film and it sounds… interesting

Ethan Coen is set to direct a lesbian road-trip comedy featuring Maid star Margaret Qualley. The film will be one of Ethan Coen’s first solo directing ventures after a career spent collaborating with his brother Joel on films such as Fargo and No Co

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 12, 2022