Gay News

Academic claims Enid Blyton had a lesbian affair with his grandmother

An academic has claimed in his latest book that children’s writer Enid Blyton had a lesbian affair with his grandmother, who worked as an illustrator on Blyton’s books.  Professor Nicholas Royle of the University of Sussex claimed he found out his grandmo

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2023

Why Alaska thinks she might never be invited back to Drag Race

RuPaul’s Drag Race winner Alaska has opened up about being potentially blacklisted by Drag Race production company World of Wonder, preventing her from returning for an “All Winners” season. Fan favourite drag queen Alaska stormed the competit

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2023

Yasmin Finney on how Doctor Who became her family – and the best way to deal with trolls

Doctor Who star Yasmin Finney has opened up about how the sci-fi series helped her “relive the family experience” after coming out as trans. The 20-year-old actor catapulted to stardom this year after featuring in Heartstopper season two as tr

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2023

Nicki Minaj ticket prices revealed for her 2024 UK and European tour dates

Nicki Minaj recently announced details of the UK and European leg of the Pink Friday 2 Tour – and these are the ticket prices. The rapper has confirmed the first shows for her upcoming tour in 2024, with arena dates planned in London, Birmingham and Manch

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2023