Gay News

Trump’s potential attorney general threatens to put a gay male journalist in women’s prison

He is keeping a list of all the people he wanted to put in prison or deport.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 22, 2023

Pope invited trans women over for a pasta & meatballs dinner

A former sex worker sat next to the Pontiff making small talk as they had tiramisu for dessert.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 22, 2023

What’s next now that OpenAI fired its gay CEO Sam Altman?

A quick explainer about the explosive news that's shaking up the tech world.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 22, 2023

GOP lawmaker wants to ban businesses from talking about LGBTQ+ people in sweeping new bill

The bill would ban LGBTQ+ nonprofits in the state.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 22, 2023