Gay News

Influential conservative activist claims schools are teaching kids how to be furries

Julian Hodgson via FlickrAn internet troll complained that Redditors didn't fall for their "furries in school" hoax. Two week later, Chaya Raichik fell for it.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 30, 2022

Trans equality wins in Kansas as legislature fails to override sports ban veto

ShutterstockGov. Laura Kelly's veto of a transgender sports ban was upheld in the state house.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 30, 2022

“Don’t Say Gay” bill’s author says rape pregnancy is “an opportunity”

U.S. HouseRep. “Mean Jean” Schmidt said that 13-year-old girls who get pregnant because of rape should think less about themselves and more about their fetuses.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 30, 2022

Madison Cawthorn accused of inappropriate relationship with male staffer

Gage SkidmoreVideo of the young man with his hand on Cawthorn's crotch, the two men's living arrangements, and a sordid Venmo trail have led to calls for an ethics investigation into the two young men's relationship.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 30, 2022