Gay News

Beloved activist and ‘trailblazer for LGBT+ rights across America’ Jim Toy dies aged 91

Pioneering Chinese-American gay rights activist and social worker Jim Toy, widely considered to be the first gay man to come out publicly in Michigan, has died at the age of 91. Toy died on 1 January, according to Washtenaw county commissioner Jason Morga

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022

Abortion bans ‘certain’ in states across America if Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade

The Supreme Court ruling on Mississippi’s abortion ban could gut reproductive rights across the US – and impact other liberties, too. In 2018, Mississippi lawmakers introduced a ban on most abortions after 15 weeks. The day after the ban was signed

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022

Who were Grindr serial killer Stephen Port’s tragic victims?

A new BBC drama, Four Lives, tells the true story of the failed investigation into serial killer Stephen Port and the four young, gay victims whose lives he stole. The first episode of the three-part drama aired on Monday (3 January), having been delayed

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022

JK Rowling dropped from school house name after students reject anti-trans rhetoric

A school in Essex has chosen to rename a house that previously honoured JK Rowling after students rejected her views on trans lives. The Boswells School announced plans to review the name of its Rowling house “following numerous requests by students

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 5, 2022