Gay News

Monkeypox patients open up about excruciating ‘psychological’ distress

Monkeypox may leave more than just physical scars, according to several accounts by patients. Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital’s infectious disease specialist, Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, told France24 that research suggests that “psychological distr

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022

Monkeypox: US reports first death of person diagnosed with virus

Texas has reported the first death of a person diagnosed with monkeypox in the US, with health officials investigating what role the virus played. On Tuesday (30 August), the Texas Department of State Health Services confirmed that a “severely immun

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022

Trans people given self-defence kits as epidemic of violence shows no signs of slowing

A healthcare clinic in Virginia is handing out self-defence kits to trans folk, as the epidemic of anti-trans violence shows no signs of slowing. Health Brigade, a free medical clinic in Richmond, Virginia, offers a plethora of services to the local trans

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022

Now rightwing Christians don’t want girls to play sports at all

"Are they out there wearing dresses and skirts while they're playing sports? Are they learning to be a feminine woman?"

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022