Gay News

My very gay investigation of Australian slang (with a little help from an AI)

Read this piece to venture Down Under with full confidence that you won’t look like a numpty.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 31, 2023

Today’s social justice warriors stand on the shoulders of boomers

Before millennials and Gen Z took up the fight for social justice, it was boomers leading the protests.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 31, 2023

Trans inmate sues prison for causing her “severe” distress by withholding gender-affirming care

The suit alleges that the prison's "blanket ban" on gender-affirming surgery violates the constitution and has caused the inmate serious harm.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 31, 2023

Right-wing activist Clarice Schillinger accused of punching teen in the face

Right-wing ‘parental rights’ activist Clarice Schillinger has been arrested after allegedly punching a teen in the face while hosting an underage drinking party.  Schillinger, 36, is facing charges of assault, harassment and furnishing minors

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 30, 2023