Gay News

Gus Kenworthy on life after retirement: ‘I want to make the world a safer place for LGBT+ people’

Gus Kenworthy is trying to get his dog, Birdie, to stop barking so he can talk about his decision to retire from professional skiing.  “This is the time, I don’t think I could keep going until I was 34,” he says as his dog barks in the background. “Birdie

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022

Equalities minister promises UK conversion therapy ban will cover trans people and religious abuse

Tory equalities minister Mike Freer has signalled that a UK conversion therapy ban will protect trans people and cover religious practices. A consultation document on banning conversion therapy produced by the government last year raised significant conce

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022

Tory schools minister ‘wouldn’t be happy’ if daughters boarded with trans girl

Conservative schools ministers Will Quince has announced he “wouldn’t be overly happy” for a trans child to share a school boarding house with his daughters. Quince was giving evidence to the Education Select Committee when Tory MP Carol

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022

Defiant Ukrainian teen ‘optimistic’ for the future: ‘It’s horrible, but we will make it’

On 24 February, Oleksandra woke up to missed calls from his mother and messages from worried friends. Frantic, terrified loved ones were reaching out to find out if he was safe as news broke that Russia was invading Ukraine. Everyone was asking the same q

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022