Gay News

GOP lawmaker allegedly called a child f*g. He’s suing a newspaper for reporting on it.

The small newspaper had 4 witnesses saying he called a 13-year-old boy a "f*g." They won the lawsuit but they're struggling with the mounting legal bills.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 16, 2023

Archive activists are on a global rescue mission to save LGBTQ+ history

Our activism was born in these forgotten papers—and lies—generated decades ago, retooled and weaponized for our time.

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LGBTQ+ Holocaust memorial in Berlin attacked with Bible verses & arson

An unknown assailant papered the structure with biblical verses before trying to burn it down.

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Ron DeSantis paid $95,000 to an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group

Some have questioned whether DeSantis was trying to buy an endorsement from the group's influential leader.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 16, 2023