Gay News

Australian PM to ban faith schools from expelling LGBT+ students – and some Christians are furious

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison has vowed to stop students from being expelled for their sexuality or gender identity by religious schools. In an unexpected turnaround, the right-wing leader who has long been upfront about his evangelical Christi

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 4, 2022

Future of Kim Cattrall’s Samantha Jones revealed by And Just Like That creator

The creator of the Sex and the City reboot And Just like That… has speculated on the possibility of Kim Cattrall’s character returning to the show and, well, it’s not great. The arrival of And Just like That…, the 10-part HBO Max s

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 4, 2022

Three guilty of murdering doctor who was tortured and left to die in gruesome homophobic attack

Two men and a teenage girl have been found guilty of killing Dr Gary Jenkins in a horrific homophobic attack at a Cardiff park last year. Jenkins, who was openly bisexual, was brutally beaten and left for dead by the trio in Bute Park in the early morning

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 4, 2022

Bishops in Ghana condemn harrowing anti-LGBT+ bill for being too severe: ‘We must show love’

In a blistering joint attack, Ghana’s Anglican bishops have condemned a roughshod anti-LGBT+ bill following an intervention by British archbishops. The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church in Ghana said Friday (28 January) that the draft Promotio

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 4, 2022