Gay News

The TikTok purple blush trend isn’t going anywhere: here’s how to make this viral look work for you

Purple blush is the latest beauty trend that’s going viral on TikTok, and it keeps on growing in popularity. The hashtag #PurpleBlush has gained more than 22 million views on TikTok since late 2021, with plenty of users showcasing the bold colour, w

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022

Disney thinks it’s off the hook on ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill because it tells ‘diverse stories’

Disney CEO Bob Chapek has faced stiff criticism from staff for refusing to condemn Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. In an internal memo, Chapek expressed his “unwavering commitment to the LGBTQ+ community” but refused to

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022

This International Women’s Day I finally feel comfortable embracing my lesbian masculinity

Lesbian fashion is more than just clothing items – it’s a vibe, an attitude, and full of personality. It is that lesbian urge to throw on some tartan and open a cat sanctuary with your girlfriend. Choosing to wear a beanie in the summer despite the

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022

Art exhibition celebrating the beauty of trans women threatened by violent ‘facist’ protests

An art exhibition highlighting the beauty of Bulgarian trans women is under threat of violence from nationalist groups. The Other Bulgarian Women features plexiglass portraits of trans women in Bulgarian national dress holding some of the country’s

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022