Gay News

Tory government claims trans conversion therapy ban ‘too complex’ amid searing backlash

Boris Johnson’s government has confirmed it’s moving ahead with a ban on conversion therapy that does not protect the trans community. LGBT+ activists, campaigners and MPs denounced the government for excluding the trans community from vital protections a

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 5, 2022

Tom Daley’s stunning knitting kit collections, ‘Made With Love’ are available from John Lewis

Fans can get Tom Daley’s knitting kit collection from John Lewis and start a new, wholesome hobby. His knitting kit brand, Made With Love by Tom Daley, launched in late 2021, after the Team GB diver went viral for knitting at the Olympics. The gold

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 5, 2022

Mike Pence thinks transphobia will get him back in the White House

Former US vice president Mike Pence has launched a list of policy suggestions ahead of the midterms and of course, plenty of them are anti-LGBT+. Pence recently published his “Freedom Agenda” –  his blueprint for Republicans to win future elec

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 5, 2022

Survivor icon Zeke Smith proposes to boyfriend Nico Santos on awards show stage

Survivor contestant Zeke Smith surprised boyfriend Nico Santos with an adorable proposal at the GLAAD Media Awards – where they met years before.  Smith pulled off the wonderful proposal as the couple came on stage at the awards on Saturday night (2 April

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 5, 2022