Gay News

Bipartisan group of lawmakers propose bill to expand LGBTQ rights in Arizona

Gage Skidmore/via WikipediaEven the Republican state house speaker is on board with the bill to ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

Donald Trump & Nikki Haley attack Mike Pence for standing up for democracy

Wikimedia Commons/Gage SkidmoreMike Pence called Donald Trump "wrong" for telling him to overturn the 2020 election, but now Pence is getting criticized for disloyalty to the party.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

Bisexual speedskater Ireen Wüst is the first individual athlete to win gold at 5 Olympic Games

Screenshot/YouTubeIreen Wüst is the Winter Olympics' third winningest athlete and has more medals than any other speedskater.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022

GOP governor candidate busted as part of swingers group. He didn’t pull out.

Twitter screenshotBut he really wants you to know that he's completely heterosexual and wasn't into the other dudes because he's the family values candidate.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 9, 2022