Gay News

Britney Spears’ father demands she pay his legal fees in ‘abominable’ court filing

Britney Spears’ lawyer has called her father’s request that she continue paying his legal fees “an abonimation”. In documents filed last week, Britney’s estranged father Jamie Spears requested a court order which would ensure that

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci optimistic about experimental HIV vaccine that uses COVID vaccine technology

White House/Shealah CraigheadThe mRNA vaccine was just found to be effective at preventing HIV in early trials on monkeys.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021

Trump Jr tells young conservatives to abandon the Bible & embrace cancel culture instead

ShutterstockThe holy book's teachings have "gotten us nothing," he says, and Jesus got it wrong.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021