Gay News

Out dancer Josephine Baker becomes first Black woman interred at the Pantheon in Paris

Walery via WikipediaThe legendary American bisexual performer, anti-racist activist, and World War II spy is receiving one of the highest French honors that only 80 other people have ever received.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021

Texas parents step in after threats of violence get children’s story time event cancelled

ShutterstockA GOP politician launched an online mob to cancel the local library event. So parents rallied to send a message to the bullies and thugs: Don't mess with Texan kids or you'll meet their parents.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021

Conservative protests force transgender youth health clinic to close

ShutterstockOfficials said it would be better for patients for "privacy reasons" if the clinic stopped existing and patients get care through various other departments.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021

The Norwegian Postal Service’s gay-themed Christmas ad is going viral

ScreenshotThe four-minute short, "When Harry Met Santa," is a love story.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 24, 2021