Gay News

Kyrsten Sinema is ready to singlehandedly save the Senate again

She thinks she can stop Tommy Tuberville's quixotic fight with the military.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2023

Marjorie Taylor Greene delivers grotesquely hateful House speech attacking Rachel Levine

Greene called Levine a "sexual groomer" with a "demonic agenda" in a disgusting rant.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2023

Pelosi attacker radicalized by hateful troll who made him think schools are “pedophile factories”

The right was wrong about the Pelosi attacker. He's not gay, he's extremely anti-LGBTQ+.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2023

Georgia county refuses to stop fighting for the right to deny trans employees healthcare coverage

The county has already spent over a million dollars in legal fees to avoid paying for a single $10,000 surgery.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 16, 2023